Oct 22, 2010

Join AAI in Typhoon Emergency Relief in the Philippines

On the weekend of October 18, 2010 a massive typhoon with winds up to 200 miles per hour struck the northern Philippines with full force. Trees were uprooted and mudslides wiped out entire villages. Some 6,000 impoverished families are known to be affected and are now homeless. Based on request from local humanitarian relief organizations, AAI has already begun a rapid shipment of humanitarian supplies from the United States and Manila to the mountainous rural areas. We have sent a large amount of water purification sachets, emergency hospital supplies and are now preparing antibiotics, nutritional supplements and anti-bacterial medications to prevent fever that rapidly kills dehydrated infants and children.


For $20 you can help us provide antibiotics and nutritional support to save a child's life for up to one week. For an additional $20 you can help us rent and provide fuel for a truck to bring the emergency supplies to rugged rural areas.

To Contribute to Emergency Relief for Typhoon Megis:


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